It’s Spring! Come enjoy Willow Park Ecology Centre, and spice up your outdoor experiences!
Spring is a wonderful time to get outside after our long stay-at-home winter! Willow Park Ecology Centre has a new list of upcoming events we hope you’ll enjoy. Visit for more details. Register early, space is limited.
They follow Covid Operations Plan safety protocols for all of their activities. Please wear a mask and expect to keep a safe social distance from others.
Upcoming Events
Spring into Spring! – April 10th and April 13th mornings from 9:30-12:30 pm
A nature’s magic program for family groups on April Break. Spend an hour-long session with activities that let you explore nearby nature! Fun, self-guided stations along the Robert Noble Tree Trail, featuring forest, pond and river environments.
Earth Day - Nature for People, People for Nature April 24th from 9:30-noon
Community members gather together to give our beautiful nature park site a spring facelift. Get some fresh air and a bit of exercise as we tidy up for the upcoming growing season. Trail and garden stewardship, seed bomb plantings and family friendly games and guided tours.
Volunteers Grow with Willow Park Ecology Centre
This program is designed for small groups of volunteers over the spring-summer-fall on regularly planned days, with a few additional special dates. A sign-up schedule will be on our website in mid-April. Volunteering is a great feel-good experience for anyone, adults, students or families. And if you know someone who would like to assist with donations of material, time or money (cash or grant support) please email us directly at Thank you to all of our many volunteers and supporters!
Tree Planting - Community Action for Sustainability – May 15th from 9:00-noon
We’re planting 300 trees along Silver Creek, on a slope defined as an important target area for restoration. Come out and be part of taking care of nature in our ravine as we continue with our successful 5-year Hungry Hollow Collaborative project. Together with our Town of Halton Hills and Credit Valley Conservation partners, we provide citizens with this opportunity for community action on keeping our local urban forest healthy and beautiful.
Nearby Nature Education Programs
Morning camp sessions for children as homeschool support. We will continue our sustainability theme with fun and engaging activities in our small-scale, child-friendly nature park.